Download the White Paper

Using HSMs as a Root of Zero Trust

Many companies encrypt data using cryptographic keys. But then, too many fail to adequately protect these keys, leaving data vulnerable to internal and external threats. The best way to safeguard cryptographic keys – and ultimately protect critical data – is with hardware security modules (HSMs) that are specifically designed to safeguard and manage them.

HSMs as a root of trust are a foundational element in a Zero Trust architecture, providing secure solutions for generating encryption and signing keys, creating digital signatures, encrypting data, and more.

Download a copy of this white paper that discusses how Entrust HSMs:

  • Isolate keys from the application(s) and software environment
  • Implement strong user authentication and separation of duties
  • Enable implementation of custom applications within the FIPS security boundary
  • Simplify secure key backup and deliver strong policy enforcement
  • Enable you to meet and exceed established and emerging regulatory standards for cybersecurity, including GDPR, eIDAS, PCI DSS, HIPAA, etc.

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