Offering customers a best-in-class payment experience includes giving them the freedom to pay how they want to pay. And that means offering digital card issuance along with physical.
Good news: As a current instant financial issuance customer, doing so is a snap. Your existing Entrust Instant Financial Issuance software (formerly CardWizard) gives you the ability to seamlessly provide fully activated, permanent digital and physical payment cards within minutes. In fact, the solution reuses your existing backend connection for easy implementation, so you can quickly begin providing instantly activated digital cards.
Register for a demo to learn more about how Entrust can help enhance your physical card program with a digital offering.
Join us 10 am CDT June 28 to learn how Entrust is enabling current instant financial issuance customers to now instantly issue both physical and digital cards with one single comprehensive solution.
Instantly provision digital payment credentials directly from your bank or credit union’s mobile application to the cardholder’s mobile wallet.